A Continuous Deployment Maturity Model by Tobias Peciva

However, many organizations retrieve input data for ML algorithms from siloed data stored in different locations and formats. Typically these metrics are adopted by each scrum team (or squad) and related Scrum Masters and Delivery Managers, so that they are tracked and analysed in daily stand-ups, sprint retrospectives and management review meetings. When these four simple Agile delivery metrics are viewed together, the early stage Agile DevOps practitioner can get a good balanced view of how their Agile DevOps maturity is progressing.

In less mature data science environments, data scientists, engineers, and software engineers often work independently. Data scientists and engineers must work together to turn experimental code into repeatable pipelines, and software and data engineers must work together to automatically integrate models into application code. Once you’ve established the DevOps maturity model as your main target, it’s crucial to measure and assess the model in order to identify problem areas, continuously improve your practices and processes. By doing so, your organization can align to the very competitive tech market, be aware of industry benchmarks, and nurture efficient and high-performing teams within the DevOps principles.

Benefits of Adopting DevOps Practices

There are multiple models you can follow with varying numbers of stages and differing criteria from one stage to the next. Overall, however, a DevOps maturity model is a way to define different stages of your journey and assess your progress toward increasing maturity levels. In the IT world, the best known of these is the capability maturity model (CMM), a five-level evolutionary path of increasingly organized and systematically more mature software development processes. While they can serve as a starting point, they should not be considered as essential models to adopt and follow.

continuous deployment maturity model

The guide makes certain basic assumptions i.e. it assumes your code is managed in a version control system. We specifically omit certain items such as microservices since you can achieve CD without using microservices. At this advanced level, teams also tackle harder deployment problems, such as multi-tier applications in which several components must deploy together, but are on different release cycles. These composite applications also include more sophisticated components, notably databases, that are complicated to deploy and test. Ways you can improve your organization’s performance against DORA metrics to achieve faster and more agile deployments.

Lead Time for Changes (LTTC)

Although testing is automated, many organizations are reluctant to cede control over the release to production, and, thus, might require a manual approval step before code gets promoted to the next stage of deployment. A maturity level assessment is essential for the end-to-end data and ML lifecycle to foster the organization’s overall capability and readiness in effectively implementing data-, and ML-driven solutions. It helps identify gaps and areas of improvement across key dimensions such as data management, model development, deployment, monitoring, and governance. This maturity model assessment enables organizations to establish a baseline, set goals, and prioritize investments to enhance their ML capabilities and ensure successful and sustainable ML deployments. MLOps supports continuous integration (CI), and rapid, automated deployment for ML models. Some are very early in their Agile transformation – just starting to implement an Agile way of working across their delivery teams, and are at the early stages of implementing the DevOps toolsets to underpin those processes.

  • It’s a path to the advanced capabilities befitting the DevOps major leaguers that deploy multiple times a day or even multiple times an hour.
  • Generally, the organizations that are in this phase can be characterized by teams that still work in silos without having much collaboration or transparency in the deployment and maintaining applications process.
  • This project now includes a second data file (js/data/iac_radar.js), based on the IaC Maturity Model.
  • At beginner level, the monolithic structure of the system is addressed by splitting the system into modules.
  • In any ML project, after you define the business use case and establish the
    success criteria, the process of delivering an ML model to production involves
    the following steps.
  • In order to continuously improve the DevOps maturity level you need to be able to measure its progress and understand what areas are working optimally and where adjustments are needed.
  • DevOps means taking a data-driven approach to the management of the entire SDLC.

Business leaders now have begun to embrace the fact that there is a new way of thinking about software development. IT can once again start pushing innovation instead of restraining it by expensive, slow, unpredictable and outdated processes. There are many ways to enter this new era and here we will describe a structured approach to attaining the best results. While agile methodologies often are described to best grow from inside the organization we have found that this approach also has limitations. Some parts of the organization are not mature enough to adapt and consequently inhibit development, creating organizational boundaries that can be very hard to break down.

Understanding the DORA Metrics and Their Impact on DevOps Performance

Instead of attempting to take a giant step, mature teams take many little ones. The rest of this article will look at each of those facets at four defined maturity levels. These tests give both the engineering and QA teams more confidence that code does what it says and doesn’t break anything. What’s more, the way that the team manages projects can introduce problems for coinmama exchange review the organization.

continuous deployment maturity model

You can feel good that your CI/CD processes are mature when you are practicing each of the processes below. Also, it is far more unlikely that merges when committing will be required due to several developers making changes to the same code, and allows developers to commit changes more often while still maintaining stability. In fact, in a recent survey, we conducted of over 200 IT decision-makers, cultural and organizational issues were the most often stated challenge they experienced during their DevOps implementation. In looking at the three ways of DevOps – flow, amplify feedback, and continuous learning and experimentation – each phase flows into the other to break down silos and inform key stakeholders. 19% of respondents in your category said they deploy code to production weekly. Another way to excel in ‘flow’ is by moving to distributed version control systems (DVCS) like Git, which is all about quick iterations, branching and merging – all things you need in a lean DevOps environment.

What is AWS(Amazon Web Services)?

The model consists of five levels of maturity, ranging from Initial to Optimizing, each level building upon the previous one. These models help determine how far along organizations are on their DevOps journey and what steps they should take to reach higher levels of DevOps maturity. Measuring DevOps maturity levels is important because it helps organizations understand their current state of DevOps practices and determine areas for improvement. That data might be difficult to access or challenging for management to understand, meaning that they make decisions organizational telemetry suggests will be worse for the business. While these 5 stages make a complete DevOps maturity model, it’s imperative for enterprises to keep checking their maturity at every step, and eventually identify focus areas and ways to evolve in the overall journey.

continuous deployment maturity model

A continuous deployment pipeline is an automated workflow that brings together builds, tests, and deployments to push code changes to production. Each step in the workflow produces an output that provides an input for the next step. Automated testing and monitoring take place throughout a continuous deployment pipeline to catch any potential errors, functional problems, and bugs.

Assess CI/CD maturity

If a system is built with continuous delivery principles and a rapid release mind set from the beginning, the journey will be much smoother. However, an upfront complete redesign of the entire system is not an attractive option for most organizations, which is why we have included this category in the maturity model. Our MLOps maturity model sheds light on the various aspects (both technological and non-technological) that should be considered when running MLOps at the production level. Having the market-leading unified data platform, but no employee who can operate it signifies a loss of potential. Similarly, having employees capable of advanced Machine Learning while still taking reactive decisions is a waste of talent.

Wants to change the way we look at systems development today, moving it to the next level where we focus more time on developing features than doing manually repetitive tasks. Where we visualize and understand the path from idea to where it is released and brings business value. At beginner level, the monolithic structure of the system is addressed by splitting the system into modules.

MLOps with Aporia

There’s a handy tool for just this sort of thing, and it’s called a “capability maturity model”. Again, a higher deployment frequency can show how quickly your DevOps team responds to change and how improved processes impact the deployment schedule. This phase is also referred to as “Continuous Deployment,” “Optimized,” or “Blended Architecture.” Its defining characteristics are full implementation of automation, a strong culture of collaboration, and experimentation. The team is now proactive about their approach to all aspects of software development and the standardization of processes has made things far more predictable.

Common response practices

The deployment process is quite simple; the developer builds the code on his machines, copies and pastes into the production server. That can be quite fast, it’s a great way to prove a concept, but in the long run, it’s not repetitive and unauditable. The MLflow deployment server runs locally as a daemon process that will continue to run in the background after the example execution is complete. When a new pipeline is run which produces a model that passes the accuracy threshold validation, the restaurant app builder pipeline automatically updates the currently running MLflow deployment server to serve the new model instead of the old one. While this ZenML Project trains and deploys a model locally, other ZenML integrations such as the Seldon deployer can also be used similarly to deploy the model in a more production setting (such as on a Kubernetes cluster). This pipeline also launches a local MLflow deployment server to serve the latest MLflow model if its accuracy is above a configured threshold.

Key Metrics to Track and Drive Your Agile Devops Maturity

The best way to include the whole organization in the change is to establish a solid platform with some important prerequisites that will enable the organization to evolve in the right direction. Structuring Continuous Delivery implementation into these categories that follows a natural maturity progression will give you a solid base for a fast transformation with sustainable results. Once the DevOps model has attained this maturity level, this will have an impact on the entire deployment and monitoring processes. The teams are highly efficient in releasing new code multiple times a day, taking full advantage of automated processes for delivering better quality and stable code. The downtime is also reduced to a minimum due to testing and small batches of work.

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